Tammy Dove believed for a miracle and received it. Her husband Doug overcame the impossible odds of surviving a fatal accident and is now thriving despite an anoxic brain injury. Tammy’s life has primarily radiated hope as she has spent the last nine years walking out and expanding her faith. Simultaneously, she became the primary caregiver for her husband once EMTs had resurrected him after being found dead for 5-15 minutes. Despite her husband’s ensuing traumatic brain injury, she has stayed the course during this challenging journey of recovery. She had educated herself on the ins and outs of brain injuries, rewiring the brain, caregiving, self-care while imparting hope and building faith in others she encountered during this most difficult time. Tammy is open, honest, and vulnerable in sharing her successes and failures while coping with a partner who is no longer quite the person she married. Her faith and willingness to learn has been a critical component in maintaining her integrity and her marriage. She has sought to find the silver lining in every grey cloud she has encountered by focusing on possibilities rather than problems. Believing that God, the inspiration, and fountain of hope would fill her to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as she trusted in Him to do the impossible. As a result, she radiates His joy, shining His light into the lives of others as she has prevailed through adversity. (Romans 15:13 paraphrase)
Tammy, her husband Doug, two dogs, and two cats live in the beautiful Missoula Valley of western Montana. When time permits, she loves to hike with her dogs, cross country ski, read, cook and float the river. Tammy is a certified life coach through The Life Coach School and is available for coaching. Her website is tammydove.com. Both Tammy and Doug are available for speaking; contact them through the website.
Social Media
Website: https://www.tammydove.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tammydoveinc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tammydove.author.lc